Fine Art Directors and Program Directors:

As we welcome in 2021, we continue planning for our Spring events.  We look forward to hosting our Academic, Art, Speech, Robotics and Music competitions in the time frames outlined on the TAPPS website for each event.

We, like most everyone, anticipated the pandemic of 2020 to be more controlled by this point in the year.  However, with metrics still climbing that is not the case.  Our staff continues to plan for the events with the latest metrics in mind to provide safe and meaningful competition for our students.  These plans change almost daily as protocols for our schools and host facilities are amended.  Travel concerns for our member schools are a consideration that we are placing a high value on as well in planning the events.

To answer the most common emails and calls we have received, please review the following.

  • Will TAPPS host the Spring Fine Art championships this year?
    • Yes, we will offer each of the events.
  • Will the events be in person, virtual or a combination of each?
    • At this time we are planning on in person, but exploring virtual options.
  • When will we know about virtual or in person?
    • As soon as details are confirmed we will advise all schools.
  • What are the dates of competition?
    • The dates are located on the TAPPS calendar and on each event’s webpage at
  • Are those dates subject to change?
    • They are firm as of now, but negotiations with hosts are ongoing so yes there may be changes. If changes, we will advise as soon as we know the dates.
  • Is TAPPS still hosting a yearbook competition?
    • Yes, if entering, please send your yearbook to the TAPPS office as soon as possible.  We would like all here by February 1 if possible.
  • How will we make our entries this year for the various Fine Art events?
    • We are working on the entry platforms and will advise in advance of each competition.
  • Will robotics be virtual or in person?
    • Our current plan is to host a live event in the central Texas area.

These are not all of the questions, but they reflect many of those calls to date.  Please contact the TAPPS office at 254-947-9268 or by email at if and when questions arise.