by Kelli Bay | Feb 20, 2023 | Band, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, String Music, Vocal Music
Good afternoon, Music entry deadlines are approaching. Spreadsheets for entries have been shared with Band, Orchestra and Vocal program directors that were listed in Rank One. If there was no program director listed, they were sent to the Fine Arts Director. If you...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 17, 2023 | ACADEMICS, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts
Good morning, With the Texas weather we all just “enjoyed,” we are double checking to make sure all schools who intended to send in their yearbooks had indeed mailed them already or were preparing to overnight them to the office. Below is the link to see the yearbooks...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 15, 2023 | ACADEMICS, ART, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, LD Debate, Speech
Good afternoon! We have posted the State Academic and State Art schedules on the TAPPS website. The State Speech schedule will be posted as soon as we finish gathering the information asked for that is due today. If you are participating in Speech and LD Debate but...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 15, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
We at the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools are always looking for ways to make the jobs of our member schools easier. This is why we are sharing some of the reasons we love partnering with HomeTown Ticketing and the benefits it provides. HomeTown’s...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 14, 2023 | ACADEMICS, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts
Good afternoon! Ready Writing is in full swing. That being said, we will be needing graders for the essays turned in. If you, or one of your teachers, would like to be a grader for these essays, please click the link below to send us your information. Ready Writing...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 14, 2023 | ACADEMICS, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Robotics
Good afternoon, 2023 continues to fly past and before we know it, our Robotics Championships will be upon us. They will again be held on Saturday, April 1 at the BASE at Extraco Events Center in Waco. Please click the link below to register your team for this great...