by Kelli Bay | Jul 22, 2022 | 6 Man Football, Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Fall Soccer, Fine Art Directors, Football, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators, Softball, Volleyball, Winter Soccer
Head Administrators Athletic Directors Fine Art Directors The end of the summer is near. Dead week begins Monday, July 25 and continues through Saturday, July 30. As a reminder, Fine Art activities may continue, but all Athletic activities are governed by the Dead...
by Kelli Bay | Jul 8, 2022 | Athletic Directors, ESPORTS, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts
Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors and Program Directors, July 8, 2022 Good afternoon! Esports has become a fast growing sport! Thousands of young people across the nation are receiving scholarships because of their gaming skills. Below is some information from...
by Kelli Bay | Jun 23, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts
Thank you for attending TAPPSCON22! We appreciate your participation and support.. Plans are beginning now for TAPPSCON23. The preliminary plan is to schedule during the week of June 5, 2023 following a similar format and schedule. Once confirmed, the exact dates and...
by Kelli Bay | Jun 7, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
TAPPSCON22 Updates TAPPSCON22 Pre-Event Registration has ended. On-Site registration will be available. All registration will be through TAPPS Tickets. Before arriving at the Waco Convention Center, you may begin on-site registration through TAPPS Tickets. This...
by Bryan Bunselmeyer | Jun 6, 2022 | Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
The Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools proudly announces the addition of Liz Cornett to the TAPPS office in the role of General Manager for Corporate Partnerships. In conjunction with TPG, Liz will service existing partnership accounts and continue the...