by Kelli Bay | Jun 24, 2020 | Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, One Act Play
One Act Play Directors, Check out our TAPPS One Act Play webpage. Schools have been assigned to a district and district presidents have been noted on the posting. Our schools stretch across the state with some cities being affected by the COVID virus more than...
by Kelli Bay | Jun 23, 2020 | ADMINISTRATION, Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
Athletic Directors: As we move toward July, we need your assistance as we plan for TAPPS activities and support for our member schools. Please complete the attached survey as soon as time allows to assist in our planning. As we begin the new alignment biennium this...
by Kelli Bay | Jun 17, 2020 | ESPORTS, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
Join us on Tuesday, June 23 at 11AM for an information session on eSports with TAPPS and PlayVS. Learn the ins and outs of getting a program started at your school, what the upcoming season will look like, and where you can get help. This webinar is hosted by TAPPS,...
by Kelli Bay | Jun 16, 2020 | ESPORTS, Fine Art Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators
TAPPS HIGH SCHOOLS READY TO COMPETE IN ESPORTS WITH PLAYVS PLAY VS Information Page Esports platform partners with the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools to offer organized esports programs for students, providing access to premier game titles and...
by Kelli Bay | Jun 5, 2020 | Athletic Directors, Fine Art Directors
HOME WHAT WE OFFER LEARN MORE CONTACT US COVID-19 SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE The COVID-19 Screening Feature is Here! Due to the massive impact of COVID-19 across the nation, Rank One has developed a screening questionnaire that will allow districts to maintain records...