by Kelli Bay | Mar 9, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Winter Soccer
Athletic Directors and Coaches: Congratulations to all on the 2022-23 Winter Soccer seasons which culminated in the Final Four in Round Rock. With the conclusion of the 2022-23 seasons, please take a few minutes to review the information outlined below. Winter...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 28, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Basketball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Winter Soccer
Athletic Directors, Head Basketball Coaches and Head Soccer Coaches, The TAPPS All-State meeting is scheduled for 10am on Tuesday, March 7 at the Bellmead Civic Center. There should be a representative from each district in attendance serving on the selection...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 17, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Winter Soccer
Athletic Directors and Soccer Coaches: Congratulations to all teams advancing to the 2023 soccer playoffs. Please take a few minutes to review the video linked below which recaps the governing rules for playoff contests. LINK TO VIDEO LINK TO PLAYOFF CHECKLIST Please...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 9, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Basketball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators, Winter Soccer
HEAD ADMINISTRATORS and ATHLETIC DIRECTORS: Fan Behavior is a critical component of providing a positive atmosphere at all TAPPS contests. It is each school’s responsibility to model, teach and expect good sportsmanship from all in attendance. Fans should not be a...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 3, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Fall Soccer, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Winter Soccer
Athletic Directors and Coaches: As the TAPPS Soccer season enters its final month of play, please take a minute to remind your staff and players of the following rule. Removal of a players jersey after scoring a goal is considered taunting. This action is considered...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 1, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators, Softball, Winter Soccer
Administrators and Athletic Directors: As we move into February, the final district games and playoffs are just around the corner for basketball and soccer. From the reports received in our office, January brought out the worst in our fan base across Texas. Fans have...