Good afternoon,
Music entry deadlines are approaching. Spreadsheets for entries have been shared with Band, Orchestra and Vocal program directors that were listed in Rank One. If there was no program director listed, they were sent to the Fine Arts Director.
If you received a spreadsheet and are not competing in that event, just write on the spreadsheet “NOT PARTICIPATING” and reshare it with me.
If you did not receive a spreadsheet and you are planning on participating in one of the above mentioned events, please contact me immediately so I can get you the information needed.
If you received the spreadsheet and you are not the one who should have received it, please forward it to the appropriate person and make sure the roles are listed correctly in Rank One for your events.
The entry deadline is Wednesday, March 1.
If you have any questions, please contact the office at 254-947-9268 or by email at