Game Schedules and Scores in TMS
Athletic Directors and Coaches:
As the basketball and winter soccer seasons move into their seventh week, we want to remind all AD’s and Coaches of the importance of reporting game schedules and scores.
Thank you to all who have your schedules and scores entered and up to date. If you have not entered your Winter Schedules in TMS or are missing any games or results, please catch those up as this email is a reminder to all.
All games and results need to be entered into TMS including tournament and non-district games. Please ensure that your entire schedule is entered and complete rather than adding your games as the season progresses.
The links below are provided if you need a refresher on how to enter your schedules or scores in TMS. In addition the editing function has been corrected to allow changing games from non-district to tournament.
As a reminder, scores must be reported in TMS for all games within 48 hours of the contest. While this rule is not a new rule, the following sanctions were approved by the Executive Board:
Schools which fail to input scores in a timely manner (48 Hours) shall be subject to the following sanctions:
- After 2 games in TEAM SPORTS:
- First Offense Warning
- Second Offense Reprimand to Head Coach / 1 Game Suspension
- Additional Offense Penalties shall escalate
Thank you in advance for staying on top of the score entries in TMS for all of your team sports as we advance through the year. If questions arise, please contact the TAPPS office at [email protected] or by phone at 254-947-9268.